Enrich your everyday life with smart hearing aids!
Step by step experience the possibilities of modern hearing aids
Smart listening
The functional scope of modern hearing aids goes far beyond restoring hearing. The latest generation of hearing aids are digital all-rounders with a wide range of smart hearing functions: They communicate wirelessly with your smartphone and connect to your TV or stereo to receive sound directly. If the variety of functions puts you off or you think the operation is complicated, talk to a KIND hearing care professional. He knows all the functions and will be happy to explain them. In the specialist shop, he will help you to adapt your KIND hearing system to your personal needs. Once you are familiar with the basic functions of your smart hearing aids, you can try out the various smart hearing functions at your leisure. If necessary, the KIND hearing care professional is always available to explain a function that you do not understand properly.

Smart Hearing features: Translation and voice control
One example of such a smart hearing feature is the translation function: modern hearing aids such as KINDvitalo connect wirelessly to the smartphone. A translation app translates the foreign language into German and sends the result directly to the hearing aids. As soon as the computing power and memory capacity of future hearing aids make it possible, even this communicative interplay between the devices will no longer be necessary. Smart Hearing is then called: Intelligent hearing aids translate foreign languages completely autonomously.
Hearing aids of the latest generation offer hearing programs that filter out distracting ambient noise and emphasize important sounds. This makes conversations in noisy environments such as a restaurant easier. Convenient: The optimal settings for a particular location can often even be saved. Using the smartphone app, the hearing aids then recognize when the wearer is in the corresponding location again and automatically activate the appropriate hearing program.
Amazon's voice assistant Alexa can also be integrated into
hearing systems such as KINDvitalo. Alexa's answers to questions about the weather or traffic, for example, are then sent directly to the hearing aids.
Another practical feature is the use as a fitness tracker: hearing aids and smartphones work together to measure and analyze the daily activities of the hearing aid user. Today, not only steps can be counted, but also other activities such as "entertaining" or "active listening", which are intended to encourage a more active lifestyle and strengthen social activities.
And once the hearing aids have been misplaced, the hearing aid finder in the KIND app can quickly find them again.
Increasing connectivity: Smart hearing functions for the future
The increasing networking of hearing systems with other devices in the home will enable numerous other smart hearing functions for everyday life.
For example, when the doorbell rings, the hearing aids will receive a corresponding message. The same applies when the laundry is in the dryer or the dishes are done in the dishwasher. Twitter messages such as severe weather warnings will also be able to be received directly by the hearing aids. In the future, the smart hearing aids will also communicate in the other direction: for example, if the hearing aid batteries are running low, the hearing aid will send a corresponding message to the smartphone.
Try hearing aids without obligation
Are you curious about the convenient smart hearing functions of modern hearing aids? Talk to your KIND hearing care professional. You can test the current KIND hearing aids with their exciting comfort features in detail in everyday life after consultation at the KIND specialist store - without obligation and free of charge.
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