Smart companion through the day
The comfort functions of KINDvitalo
Hearing aids in everyday life
As a next-generation hearing system, KINDvitalo can do much more than just help you hear well. Depending on the features, the hearing aids can also act as a fitness tracker, interpreter, wireless headphones or voice assistant. Let KINDvitalo accompany you through the day - from early morning to late at night, at home, on the road, during sports, in meetings and when relaxing.

6 o'clock: get up, news from the bright sky
Good morning! What's the weather like? You can have the answer spoken directly into your ear if you have KINDvitalo paired with your smartphone: A voice assistant informs you about rain, wind and sunshine.
6:30 a.m.: Early morning exercise, fitness bracelet superfluous
What is actually a job for a separate fitness wristband is now taken over by the KINDvitalo hearing aids: Thanks to integrated sensors, they record your sporting activities. In the associated KINDiLink2 app, you can view all stored data and check how well you were in shape during your early morning exercise. Let's go!
7:30 a.m.: Check while brushing teeth, everything fit?
Off to the bathroom: While you brush your teeth, you can conveniently check your personal fitness level from the previous day. Because KINDvitalo measures your steps, movements and even the times of active listening throughout the day. In this way, you can collect a total of 200 points every day. How much do you manage?
10 a.m.: Boundless communication, translator at the ear
Meeting with customers: If you work in an international company and have to deal a lot with foreign customers, you know what it's like: sometimes communication is impossible without a translator. How good that your KINDvitalo hearing aids have an integrated interpreter function for 27 languages. When meeting with foreign-speaking customers, you simply speak into your smartphone, the KIND app translates and sends the result directly to your ear.
12 o'clock: lunch break, multitasking
Queueing in the canteen - why not quickly sort something out with the family? Make a quick call while you're waiting for your meal: Your KINDvitalo hearing solution is paired with your smartphone via Bluetooth wireless connection. But you won't be disturbed while you're eating ...
20 o'clock: Sofa, series, broadcast break
Do you love series? Then sit on the sofa, put your feet up and switch on the TV. The TV sound is transmitted directly to your hearing aids via Bluetooth - without any cables.
10 p.m. Assistant on the ear, good night!
Already in bed, but still forgot something? If you need to get a present for a friend at short notice, why not ask Alexa to do it? Amazon's voice assistant is integrated into the KINDiLink2 and KINDvitalo app and can be conveniently controlled via voice commands. Present ordered? Then get out your hearing aids - and good night!
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