Pulse in the ear
When we can listen to our heartbeat
Ear diseases
We trust that our heart is beating. This is because we are not usually aware of it. Sometimes we can feel it pounding. Or we feel our pulse on our wrist. If we have been running fast, we even register our heart humming in our chest. People who suffer from so-called pulse-synchronous tinnitus, on the other hand, can hear the pounding of their heart. This involuntary pulse control is not only agonising, there is often a serious cause behind the pulse in the ear.

Medical: Pulse-synchronous tinnitus
The "ringing of the ears", as tinnitus aurium is translated from Latin, describes the perception of a noise that arises in the ear of the affected person. The patients experience a humming, whistling, hissing, sometimes also a cracking or knocking. If the described noises occur in time with one's own heartbeat, doctors call it pulse-synchronous tinnitus. Ten percent of tinnitus patients suffer from this heartbeat in the ear, which usually occurs on one side. The hearing of these patients is intact: They hear a sound that actually originates near the inner ear.
Doctors usually find a cause for the pulse in the ear
The pulse in the ear massively limits the quality of life of those affected. Depending on the intensity of the noise, patients have trouble sleeping and concentrating, and some become depressed. In 70 percent of cases, however, there is a clear cause, which is often treatable.
What the patient perceives as a regular throbbing noise in the ear is a flow noise of the blood. The flow velocity of the blood increases or the blood flows in such a way that turbulence occurs. This leads to eddies that become audible in the ear. This can be caused by vascular changes, tumours, anaemia, increased blood pressure in the skull or hyperthyroidism. However, a craniocerebral trauma can also be the cause. In addition, some medications cause pulse-synchronous tinnitus as a side effect.
In order to find the cause of the ringing in the ears, a thorough physical examination by the doctor is necessary first of all. The doctor will probably also order a blood test, a Doppler sonography of the head vessels and so-called imaging procedures. These are, for example, a computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head. Since in most cases a cause for the pulse in the ear can be found, it can also be treated. The treatment of pulse tinnitus depends on the cause. It ranges from medicinal measures to surgical interventions on the head.
The contributions provided on these Internet pages are intended solely to provide general information on topics relating to hearing acoustics and may not be used for the purpose of self-diagnosis. They are not intended to replace professional consultations, examinations and/or treatments by trained and recognized physicians and/or other health care professionals, as applicable, and do not constitute recommendations or evaluations of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Please contact a physician or expert for individual health questions and problems. We make every effort to research and present information that is as current and comprehensive as possible; however, we do not warrant the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of this information or assume any liability for damages resulting from the use of this information.
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