Why to take a Hearing test
The earlier a specialist is consulted, the better
Hearing loss often comes gradually and is only noticed very late on. Experts observed that hearing loss in Singapore is commonly treated 10 to 15 years too late. The treatment of hearing loss is all the more successful the earlier a physician diagnoses it. If one waits too long, the acoustic memories in the brain fade more and more. This lost acoustic "knowledge" must then be learned again with great difficulty. To prevent such an advanced hearing loss, ENT Doctors and Audiologists advise to do regular hearing tests, so hearing loss can be treated as early as possible. With the latest computerised diagnostic equipment, a hearing test at KIND only takes you a few minutes and it can be important for the rest of your life.
Your advantages with KIND

The treatment of hearing loss - a specialist is needed
If a hearing loss is diagnosed in time, permanent hearing loss can often be prevented by means of therapy. Good treatment successes are possible, especially for conductive hearing loss in the middle ear.
Surgical interventions by a physician can be successful in cases of otosclerosis or a stiffened ossicle, for example.
A sudden loss of hearing, inflammation of the middle ear and a circulatory disorder in the ear can also be successfully treated with medication.
After successful treatment of the hearing loss by the ENT physician, it is advisable to protect an already affected hearing. Custom-made hearing protection can, for example, help to prevent a renewed hearing loss.
If you have sudden hearing problems, go to the doctor quickly!
Does the hearing loss not occur insidiously but suddenly? Then those affected should react quickly and have their hearing loss treated to prevent permanent hearing loss.
If excessive volume has caused the hearing problems, sudden hearing loss or tinnitus may be suspected. In this case, an immediate reaction is absolutely necessary, as immediate drug therapy promises the best possible chances of recovery.
Early action is also recommended if there is a suspicion of a creeping hearing loss. The cause and type of hearing loss must be clarified in order to be able to treat it effectively. This is the only way to prevent a worsening of the hearing loss.
The family doctor is the first point of contact for hearing loss and its treatment. He examines a person to determine whether, for example, an infection, injury or earwax clot is the cause of the hearing problem. If necessary, the family doctor will refer the patient to an ear, nose and throat specialist.
In the case of inner ear hearing loss, modern hearing aid technology from KIND can compensate for the hearing loss.
To prevent such an advanced hearing loss, ENT Doctors and Audiologists advise to do regular hearing tests, so a hearing loss can be treated as early as possible. With the latest computerised diagnostic equipment, a hearing test at KIND only takes you a few minutes and it can be important for the rest of your life.
I didn’t want a hearing aid but the staff at KIND allowed me to bring hearing aids home to try. They are patient and did not push me to buy and help me get adjusted to my new hearing. Now, I cannot imagine not wearing my hearing aids everyday. Thank you KIND. |
I am a mother in my 40s and was born deaf. I love KIND HEARING and have been with them for many years. The team is very professional and patient in attending to all my hearing issues. Do not be afraid to try hearing aids if you have hearing loss. I am a happy and satisfied customer and have full confidence that KIND HEARING will take care of you as well. |